Overwatch: Even MORE Junkrat & Reaper BUFFS!

Blizzard is going full steam ahead with the anti GOATS buffs, giving more love to Reaper, whose Shadow Step finally is getting reworked into something useful and Junkrat getting a ABSOLUTELY MASSIVE reliability buff, sending his projectile speed from 20 to 25 (35m/s is Pharah). This is an INCREDIBLY strong buff and though, the devs did try to compensate for it by reducing the number of times a nade can bounce before it explodes, and make them explode sooner, however for higher level play direct hits, even spammed from across the map, were a bigger % of his output anyway we’d wager. This makes Junkrat HILARIOUSLY viable a huge % of the time as he can now consistently launch 130 damage nades nearly as fast as a hanzo arrow, with a bigger hitbox and splash damage. Goats will still be strong of course, but Junkrat is now rivaling it’s power his immense potential.

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