I don’t need anything other than a wrench!『Bioshock』

🍀 Read me!!! 🍀


Fufufuhuhu~ 💰💰💰
I’m Fuyo, your friendly neighboorhood wish n’ luck granting leprechaun✨
Let’s hangout a while and have fun!



@/PdaddyJxp on twitter made the cute fuyo art!!


○●○● ꕥ LINKS ꕥ ●○●○

✤Twitter: https://twitter.com/FuyoCloverfield
✤Marshmallow: https://marshmallow-qa.com/fuyocloverfield

○●○● ꕥ TAGS ꕥ ●○●○

✤GENERAL: #FuyoCloverfield
✤LIVE: #FuyOnline
✤CLIPS: #FuyoCloverClips
✤ART: #Fartistic
✤MEMES: #Fwahaha

○●○● ꕥ CHAT RULES ꕥ ●○●○

✤No politics or controversial topics.
✤No spamming or trolling.
✤No doxing or sharing personal information.
✤Teasing is encouraged, but bullying and harrassment will not be tolerated.
✤If anything or anyone annoys you in chat, ignore or report to mods and move on.
✤No talking or bringing up other streamers unless Fuyo brings them up.
✤Stay on topic, no side banter please!
✤No spoilerinos or backsitterinos unless Fuyo asks, capiche?
✤These rules apply to all languages. Try to keep chat in english, though!


○●○● ꕥ FWAH?! ꕥ ●○●○

Check out my cute and baddass Genmates from IDOL EN!!!✨

⚠️ Juna Unagi

👻 Yuko Yurei

👑 Rin Penrose

🎮 Pochi Wanmaru

○●○● ꕥ IDOL CORP. ꕥ ●○●○

✤Email: info@idol-company.com
✤Website: https://idol-company.com/
✤Twitter: https://twitter.com/idol_corp
✤Fanwork guidance: https://idol-company.com/tos/

#IdolEN #ESekai


Catch ya soon! ♣