Role Queue is finally here giving a role lock meta for 2-2-2 as well as Role Based SR, this system solves multiple problems at once and we think, will save the reputation of Overwatch. Overwatch isn’t just simply more fun in 2-2-2, it’s more balanced, more straightforward, easier to learn, allows for MORE creativity not less — basically everything is better. The major downside to role queue will be the growing pains in adjusting to the system; many players won’t have hero pools or the experience to adjust immediately and may struggle when the system is less Boom/Bust, but with any luck that sorts itself out over time. With a bit of patience, and eagerness to play/learn the actual game, this should be a system everyone loves — assuming the MMR fluctuations currently on the PTR get fixed, if not, it’s a broken mess (but Jeff did say they were aware it’s still in testing).
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