In this video, I I cover a bunch of secret Season 6 tips & tricks that you should definitely learn! These include a complete guide to the new crafting system, how to find mechanical parts and animal bones to get the purple pump every game, new places on the map such as Colossal Crops, Boney Burbs, Guardian Spots, The Spire, new adjustments to the loot pool like primal weapons, makeshift weapons, smart tips for which shotguns to use, new good landing spots to get the upgraded pump spas shotgun, all the bow crafting upgrades like the primal stink bow, primal flame bow, mechanical shockwave bow, features regarding the new animals such as how to tame them with the hunter’s cloak, as well as new techniques and methods to help you win more fights with Spire Boots, Mythic Primal Shotgun or just other cool new features in Season 6. All of these tips and tricks are new with Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 6 and have not been covered anywhere else on YouTube. They also work in every game mode in the Battle Royale option including arena, public matches and creative. Lastly, these secret tips and tricks are extremely useful and I highly recommend you incorporate them into your own games. So, if you’re looking for a bunch of secret Season 6 tricks that you probably didn’t know about, then this is definitely the video for you. On top of that, this video will teach you some useful tips and tricks, help you win your first game in Season 6, and make you improve as a player! If you have read this far, then drop a like or I will spawn in your next game with a gold charge shotgun while you have a white tac and no mats.
0:00 Introduction
0:42 Crafting
3:02 Animal Bones
4:33 Mechanical Parts
5:22 Bow Upgrades
8:36 Shotgun Meta
12:14 Location #1
14:04 Location #2
14:56 Animals
16:20 Chickens
17:21 Cool Strat
18:40 Fish
20:00 Conclusion
As always, if you enjoyed the video feel free to leave a like on the video and subscribe to the channel to stay up-to-date with my content. If you have any questions regarding the video, the channel, or myself, leave a comment and I will be sure to get back to you. If you want to support me, use creator code “Jerian” in the item shop! When you use my Creator Code or Link on the Epic Games Store, I receive money from those purchases.
Song: Smooth Chill Trap Beat | Relaxed Wavy Instrumental
Artist: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGJPRihgyqYtjMQciQv6IHg
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My Setup:
Mouse – Endgame Gear XM1r (Black)
Mousepad – TheMousePadCompany Liquid_03 (Large)
Keyboard – SteelSeries Apex Pro TKL (Actuation: 1)
Headset – HyperX Cloud Alphas
Monitor – Dell Alienware AW2518H 25” 240Hz + ViewSonic XG2402 24″ 144Hz
Mic – Shure SM7B + Cloudlifter CL-1 + FocusRite Scarlett Solo
Cam – Sony Alpha a6400 + Elgato Camlink
#fortnite #itsjerian #season6