RETURN TO RAPTURE // Bioshock VR Meets Half Life Alyx in this AMAZING MOD! // Bioshock VR Gameplay

Return to Rapture is the incredible new Bioshock VR mod for Half Life ALyx, a fully realised and incredibly impressive version of Bioshock and it’s memorable Rapture setting that you can explore & interact with in VR. This eight part Bioshock VR campaign runs inside Half Life Alyx and can be accessed by anyone by simpy heading to the Half Life Alyx steam workshop & installing each part, you need all 8 installed to play through the story as the game seemlessly moves you through the maps. So lets return to Rapture once more and take a look at some Bioshock VR gameplay / Half Life Alyx Bioshock mod gameplay captured from the first hour of this lovingly crafted new campaign.

It’s projects like this that show the power and potential of mods & the communities that gather around popular games, the fact that creator Wim Buytaert has been able to pull in original assets from the Bioshock games, as well as original sounds and an almost identical recreation of the environments seen in the first game, is genuinely mind blowing! Half Life Alyx mods are adding tonnes of value to an already stellar VR experience and projects like this show how much can be done with the tools when made available to the public. Hopefully this Bioshock Half Life Alyx crossover is just the beginning and paves the way for many more incredible creations in the Half Life Alyx mods community.

This Bioshock VR gameplay / Bioshock VR mod gameplay / Bioshock Return to Rapture VR gameplay was captured on an Oculus Rift S, my current hardware is as follows: RTX 2080, i7 9700K & 32GB DDR4 RAM. On Oculus Rift S this Bioshock mod runs exceptionally well but does suffer from a few frame rate issues in certain points when the actions & environments have a lot of effects to display for players.

#BioshockVR #Oculus #HalfLifeAlyx