#dynamogaming #mortalpubg #rowdygaming
Hi Guys, Welcome to the PUBG MOBILE LIVE stream.
Stream Start Time : Morning – 11.00Am
: Night- 8.30Pm
-Support The Stream Throught Donation:
1.Paypal: https://streamlabs.com/bantaibabagaming
2.Paytm: 9082941014
PUBG ID-5116506864
Business Email :-sanmitchavan@gmail.com
-Follow Me On Social Media
-Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/BantaiBabaGa…
-Facebook Official: https://www.facebook.com/sanmit.chavan.5
-Snapchat: sam_cha1(Sanmit Chavan)
-Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/bantai_baba_gaming/?hl=en
-Discord: https://discord.gg/8NXaNAU
-Live Chat Rules
-Bantailog pura chat apna he hai saab ko ki respect karo and enjoy it maje karo.Dont disrespect anyone just have fun and enjoy.
1-Processor- Ryzen 5 2600x (4.2Ghz).
2-Motherboard: Gigabyte A320M-S2H.
3-Graphic Card: Zotac Geforce Gtx 1050Ti(4Gb).
4-Monitor: Dell (D1918H).
5-Cabinet: Circle Gaming(CC819)
6-Ram: Corsair Vengance LPX DDR4(8Gb).
7-HDD: 1 TB
8-:SSD: 220Gb WD GREEN.
9-PSU: Artis VIP500 Gold(500W)
10-Keyboard and Mouse: iball Wintop V3.0 USB.
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Warriyo, Laura Brehm
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AEI (on behalf of NCS); Featherstone Music (publishing), and 2 Music Rights Societies
{ Thank You so Much Guys for Your Love and Support }
tags used : –
pubg live,dynamo gaming,mortal gaming,ron gaming,dynamo gaming live,pubg live dynamo,live pubg,dynamo,bantaibaba gaming,dynamo pubg live,ron gaming live,dynamo pubg video,kronten gaming,pubg,pubg live stream,live pubg dynamo,mortal,dynamo pubg,pubg dynamo live,pubg dynamo,pubg mobile live,dynamo live pubg,mortal live