GOATS IS OFFICIALLY DEAD. This patch, tries to both nerf the strongest sustain heroes in GOATS, Brigitte and D.Va and the nerfs are massive. Armor gets worse overall but also Rally no loner persists which nerfs goats while buffing all sorts of damage heroes, namely those with spread damage like Tracer and Reaper. D.Va also gets a big nerf with the responsiveness of Defense Matrix, it now will have 2 full seconds of downtime between uses, whereas it used to be 1. If that wasn’t enough, Reaper gets a HUGE buff as well giving him 50% lifesteal which nets you 70 to 140 life PER SHOT, making him functionally unkillable in certain duels, most notably against Tanks, he will kill them basically for free. GOOD LORDY, CHRISTMAS CAME LATE, JEFF KAPLAN GIFTED US A NEW META!
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