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Overwatch ranked gameplay has been a mess for quite a long time and oddly enough, the one thing that usually helps a ranked experience from being a solo queue mess, is teaming up with friends to play how you want. That hasn’t been an option because of severe punishments against groups… but that seems to have been changed in season 10. With no public announcment to our knowledge it seems that the original punishments against stacks have been relaxed or lifted entirely, making it actually possible to play with friends. We think, that in secret Blizzard changed these settings before the public perception changed to test what effect it would have, in time for the social features to launch this summer that we knew were coming. It would have been odd to add a in game LFG system or something similar just to have players who use it get SR stacked against them if another equally sized group isn’t found for them to play against. We may FINALLY be entering an era where actual Overwatch gets played with regularity in ranked mode. Please let us know in the comments below your experience with this, have they removed the 200,300,400,500 SR advantages they used to give your opponents when they weren’t in a stack and you were? We’re fairly sure this is a thing, but we’ll find out toady!
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