Season 13 is Ending, Twitch chat for Contenders and possibly OWL now requires a Battle.net connection to your Twitch and there was a hotly contested article made by CBSN spread this week about Pro Player well being in esports reporting that mental and physical damages come from playing video games for 12-14 hours a day. Mark Cuban, Billionaire entrepreneur has a back and forth with Overwatch League Commissioner Nate Nanzer who thinks the amount of work pro players do to be the best in the world is reasonable whereas Mark Cuban thinks they’re overworked. If you enjoyed the video please be sure to leave it a like and be sure to subscribe!
S13 ending https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/t/season-13-ending-soon/276046
Twitch chat https://overwatchcontenders.com/en_US/news/22819839
Mark Cuban thread https://twitter.com/mcuban/status/1078441642649157632
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