Overwatch 2 Mythbusters – PERK Edition

PERKS for Season 15 Overwatch 2.

0:00 Intro

0:14 DVa’s Ejection Suit perk overhealth does not decay
0:31 Doomfist’s Power Matrix perk absorbs Sigma’s Accretion
0:42 Hazard’s Off the Top perk 30% damage only applies to white health
1:22 Junker Queen’s Savage Satiation perk also affects Rampage
1:40 Reinhardt’s Crushing Victory perk gives overhealth from bumping enemies
1:57 Reinhardt’s Fiery Uptake perk can refresh Barrier Field’s cd after gaining health from Firestrike
2:19 Reinhardt’s Shield Slam perk can collide and counter-charge
2:38 Sigma’s Kinetic Cycle perk reduces a fixed cooldown for Accretion
3:03 Winston’s Revitalizing Barrier perk gives ult charge for healing in his Barrier Projector
3:20 Mei’s Cryo-Storm perk AOE can be blocked by LOS
3:36 Echo duplicating a teammate with Friendly Imaging perk stops them from switching
3:56 Echo Duplicate can also copy teammate’s perks
4:15 Echo’s High Beams perk can reset Flight’s cooldown more than once
4:27 Genji can Deflect Illari’s Outburst with Sunburn
4:41 Genji’s Deflect can carry over Perk effects from the target’s ability
5:03 Hanzo’s Sonic Disruption perk overwrites Sombra’ hack on healthpacks
5:18 Soldier 76’s Stim Pack Perk can be cleansed by Kiriko suzu or Zarya bubble
5:34 Sombra’s Viral Efficacy perk gets its cooldown reduced on deployables
5:56 Sombra’s White Hat Hack gets its LOS broken by teammates
6:10 Sombra with White Hat perk can gain ULT charge by hacking allies
6:28 Sombra with White hat perk can heal allies with EMP
6:45 Symmetra’s Shield Battery perk link breaks out of LOS
6:59 Venture’s Seismic Sense perk can see invisible enemies
7:15 Ana with Headhunter perk can critically hit Orisa in Fortify
7:28 Baptiste’s Automated Healing perk speeds up with Kiriko’s Kitsune Rush
7:46 Brigitte’s Shield Restoration perk recovers more HP when hitting multiple enemies
8:07 Illari’s Sunburn perk Outburst procs Mauga’s critical hits
8:22 Lifeweaver’s Life Cycle seed cannot be picked up by Soldier who uses Stim Pack
8:38 Moira’s Ethical Nourishment perk healing is separate from the Biotic Orb’s 300 hp pool

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– @MixedFreight | https://twitch.tv/mixedfreight
– Urzu
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♫ GetSix
