We are the world champion.Thank you for always supporting and giving love.we will work harder to give best performance.to everyone for their support and encouragement all the way to witness NV-XQF going against the trend to the peak.This trophy is of great significance to NV-XQF and proves that everyone’s hard work and support has not been in vain.
★ Known to be number 1 best pubg player in the world.XFQ Paraboy (Peacekeeper Elite International Championship 2019,2021 Winner, the Record holder for Highest damage in any PUBG Mobile Official Tournament) Also hold the highest kills record in the tournaments.
★ SENSITIVITY:https://youtu.be/ZEudlsPtg2Y
★ Player Information:
★ Platform:Mobile
★ Kd Ratio =8+
★ Aim Assist-Off
★ Controls 4 Claw in TTP /3 Claw in FFP
★ Gyro- Scope Only
★ Character- Id 459812745
★ Device Name–oppo reno ace 2
★ Name:朱伯丞
★ Romanized Name:Zhu Bocheng
★ Birth:February 12, 2002 (age 18)
★ Country:China China
★ Status:Active
★ Team:Nova Esports/China
★ Approx. Total Earnings:$147,448.98
★ Alternate IDs:伞兵
★ Real Name- Zhu Bocheng
⚡️NV-XQF PARABOY Lives Streamhttps://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFEOpJuLVcFg4r-Q-wu4_KivmBhHJAm8x
Before judge the player judge enemy first because any one with little skill can kill 20+ enemy in noob lobby
Outro Track [NCS Release] YouTube
♫Cartoon – On & On (feat. Daniel Levi) [NCS Release]
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