Fortnite Battle Royale NEW leaked skins & emotes showcase, today we have the fortbyte secret skin leaked! and it’s called Singularity, we also have 2 neon looking skins called Flare and Nitebeam. Summer skins called Summer drift, heist and beach bomber, we also have a bigfoot skin, starfish, biz, dare, doublecross, flutter, focus, pillar aka caterpillar skin, vector, gage, king flamingo and match point! that’s all the new leaked skins. The New leaked emotes are bouncer, Deep end, deep dab, featherweight and jumping jacks! Although the Deep end Emote will be FREE for everyone ones the summer challenges release!
Plus a lot more new cosmetics including new lobby musics!
feel free to use it in the item shop! 🙂
Upcoming Free Summer Challenges Leaked By:
@Lucas7yoshi (on Twitter)
Tweets by Lucas7yoshi