In this video we take a look at some possible leaked info on what’s going to be shown to us at Gamescom this year for Overwatch as well as the Korean Fan Festival that Jeff Kaplan will be attending on the same day as the Gamescom reveal. We also take a look at the Visor app controversy, the communities reception of it and some key figures takes on the matter.
Korean Fan Festival with Jeff: http://playoverwatch.com/ko-kr/news/22030452
Blizzard app screenshot: https://www.youtube.com/user/ohnickel
Wowhead souce: https://www.wowhead.com/news=286489/gamescom-2018-blizzard-schedule-revealed-and-downloadable-app
Visor: https://visor.gg
Visor Reddit Thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/Competitiveoverwatch/comments/97mq48/visors_new_program_is_a_form_of_cheating/
Kragie’s Stream: https://www.twitch.tv/kragiee
Jayne Visor Tweet: https://twitter.com/AskJayne/status/1029843532054323200
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