Welcome and thanks for stopping by the stream! If you’re enjoying what you see, don’t forget to drop a like, comment and subscribe for more content! │▼ More Information ▼│
►Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/MikePlays__
►Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/miketheghoul_/
►Donate to help me upgrade my PC: https://streamlabs.com/miketheghouloftokyo1
▼Channel Rules:▼
1. No excessive profanity. (cursing is allowed, to an extent)
2. Be respectful.
3. No racism or sexism of any kind.
4. No politics or religion talk.
5. No “sub for a sub.”
6. Do not ask for Moderator, it can only be given to you by earning it.
7. Absolutely NO backseat gaming, unless told otherwise.
* If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask! *
* I do not own the rights to any of the music heard in the stream or uploads. *