In this video, I talk about how I personally improved at Fortnite. I’ve made tons of videos on how I think you guys should improve and what the best things to practice are, but I’ve never really talked about what I did to become the player I am today. To get the full picture, we need to go all the way back and start at the beginning of my Fortnite career when I was a complete bot. I started playing Fortnite in season 2 back in December of 2017. I played on console and was not really a good player. My building, aim, and editing all sucked, but I wanted to get better and become a good player. So, through trial and error across nearly 8 season now, I am able to look back and tell you guys about everything I have done. From griding build battles and 1v1s back when playgrounds first came out to training my aim in KovaaK’s, there were a lot of different things that helped me improve. Hopefully, after hearing about all of them, you can try out everything I did and see what works best for you. The different practice routines and methods I mention may not be the most efficient, but it worked for me so its bound to work for someone else. Overall, this video will definitely help you improve as a player, get better at Fortnite and win more games!
As always, if you enjoyed the video feel free to leave a like on the video and subscribe to the channel to stay up-to-date with my content. If you have any questions regarding the video, the channel, or myself, leave a comment and I will be sure to get back to you.
If you want to support me, use creator code “Jerian” in the item shop!
Song: Chill & Bouncing Happy Summer Trap Beat | Inspiring Easy Listening Hip Hop Instrumental
Artist: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGJPRihgyqYtjMQciQv6IHg
My Social Media:
Twitter – https://twitter.com/itsjerian
Twitch – https://www.twitch.tv/itsjerian
Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/itsJerian
Community Discord – https://discord.gg/TFDB65M
My Fortnite Settings:
Resolution: 1920×1080 (Native)
DPI: 400 (52 eDPI)
In-game sens: .130 (x & y sens)
ADS Sens: .375
Scoped Sens: .425
My Peripherals:
Mouse: Glorious Model O (Matte White)
Mousepad: Glorious 3XL Extended Gaming Mouse Pad
Keyboard: Ducky One 2 Mini (Cherry MX Silver Switches)
Headset: HyperX Cloud Alphas
Monitor: Dell Alienware AW2518H 25” 240Hz
Computer Specs:
CPU: Intel Core i7-8700
GPU: GeForce GTX 1070Ti
RAM: 16 GB Gskill NT Series
Motherboard: MSI B360I Gaming Pro AC Mini-ITX
Cooler: Cooler Master 212 Hyper Evo
Power Supply: EVGA 80 Plus Bronze 500W
1 x Western Digital 1 TB Hard Drive
Case: NZXT H200 Mini-ITX Matte Black
Topics Covered: how i got better at fortnite, how to get better at fortnite, fortnite how to improve, fortnite tips and tricks, fortnite pro tips, fortnite tips, fortnite tips to improve, fortnite how to actually improve, fortnite how to get better, fortnite how to get good fast, fortnite best ways to improve, fortnite improve aim, fortinte become a better player, fortnite improve building, fortnite building tips and tricks, fortinte aim trainer, fortnite kovaaks, fortnite how to improve aim, fortnite how to win more games, fortnite how to win more, how to win fortnite, how to improve in season 9 fortnite, how to go pro fortinte, how to improve aim in fortnite, how to improve in fortnite, how to get better at fortnite ps4, how to get better at fortnite xbox one, how to get better at fortnite pc, how to get better at fortnite mobile, itsjerian fortnite tips, how i improved at fortnite
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