Welcome to the BGIS 2023: THE GRIND ROUND 1, WEEK 2. 🔥🔥 256 BGMI Invited teams have entered the challenge. After 5 Weeks of THE GRIND, only the Top 64 will continue in the BGIS 2023 Journey! 🏆
India’s biggest esports tournament, BATTLEGROUNDS MOBILE INDIA SERIES 2023 features a massive prize pool of INR 2 Crores ❤️💪
Schedule the day:
12:30 PM – Erangel [Group 11]
01:15 PM – Miramar [Group 11]
02:00 PM – Sanhok [Group 11]
02:45 PM – Erangel [Group 12]
03:30 PM – Miramar [Group 12]
04:15 PM – Sanhok [Group 12]
Groups for THE GRIND – ROUND 1, Week 2
GROUP – 11
Team XO⚔️Big Brother Esports⚔️WSF esports⚔️Stalwart Esports⚔️Elite Squad⚔️TEAM HRISHAV⚔️X7 OFFICIALS⚔️Vicious Annhiliators⚔️Team elite⚔️Team Silent Killers⚔️CodeRed eSports⚔️LZ Officials⚔️BurnX Official⚔️MEGAFORCE⚔️CRATIC ESPORTS⚔️TEAM iNR OFFICIALS
GROUP – 12
TEAM iNSANE⚔️Team Celtz⚔️LIQUID ESPORTS⚔️Galaxy Racer⚔️MOGO ESPORTS⚔️F2B ESPORTS⚔️BAAZ OFFICIAL⚔️4Ever Esports⚔️Grind Official⚔️RED-X⚔️iOWN ESPORTS⚔️4 HUNGRYMEN⚔️Version 1⚔️Team Snax⚔️Rush Esports⚔️EVOLUTION ESPORTS
⭐ With just 3 matches for each group, only half the teams here will move on to the next phase i.e THE GRIND – ROUND 2
Whom are you rooting for? ⭐
BGMI Esports Website: https://esports.battlegroundsmobileindia.com
KRAFTON Esports IG: https://www.instagram.com/kraftonindiaesports/