Today we are back again trying a top 500 tip Ana video because I think its fun and people just love Ana it seems. Today we are talking about how the grandmaster Ana player can carry his competitive games in season 7 overwatch competitive ranked mode guide for overwatch season 7 placement matches and overwatch season 7 changes. Going over some Ana season 7 tips and guide or whatever you want to call it. I hope that these tips can help to have you guys learn how to improve as Ana and hope this works as a mini Ana guide tip trick thing for all that want to improve as her. Anyways, thanks!
More GM Gameplay Tip Videos Here! : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLefC4eOMnbRF5Xm7uCjfU73bh0ybup9Df
Gameplay: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eWDkP3EFfmQ
–starts healing on high ground, but jumps off and then heals next to his tanks (becuase many enemy hitscan)
-against comps that cant beat high ground heal there, otherwise being next to your tanks CAN be safer
-he stays behind his tanks at ALL TIMES and only goes for damage when its 100% safe.
-if there is a cluster of teammates and he needs to heal one, sometimes he just walks closer to get the heal off
-he walks up around corners and anti’s the whole enemy team. An anti can win a whole teamfight by itself
-if they are about a control point away of distance he scopes in to heal, otherwise always heals unscoped
-push up with your team, but next to walls / corners so that you dont get picked but can burst heal teammates thatdo
-he uses high ground mostly to get an angle to heal people that are going in on the enemies
-its better to stay alive and keep pumping healing then pushing up for damage solo
-if you have nothing to do, try to snipe mercy. With the buff you can three shot her easily
-dont peak widows/soldiers as ana. You MIGHT Be able to 1v1 them but the risk is not worth it
-if you have a long line of sight, poke at the enemy with your dps to charge free ult
-remember that shoot nade shoot kills most the dps heroes again
-on the last point he plays far enough back to see his whole team while still being close enough for effective heals
-if somoebody on your team is being focused(like soldier) just burt heal them.
-gernading at spawn can be a good idea if you think there may be traps or that the enemy will poke hard
-he doesnt play right behind the shield, he plays further back
-gale 1v1 tracer. You can do it just make sure that grenade is up
-on offense going for damage is a more viable strat. if you can get a pick you can win that game
-he pushes around where no teammates are for added pressure and chance for a pick
-call out to your genji thatyou have nano ready IN VOICE CHAT and tell him when you have line of sight of him
-whenever a fight near him starts he jsut starts backing off and shooting
-midfight if you are winning try to target the mercy. stopping her double rez will often win the fight itself
-he always stays next to his team usually out of the enemy los, if he was way behind his team he woulda died to cree
-its hard to win a fight as ana without just outhealing the enemy, in order to do it make sure you hit e or ult
-also grenade and start healing the person you nano teh second you nano them. Keeping them at full hp is best
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Title:GRANDMASTER Ana GAMEPLAY TIPS | How To Improve As Ana Guide – Overwatch Season 7 Competitive Tricks