In this video i show you the Fortnite Last 15th Present VBUCKS Reward has Started in Fortnite Chapter 3 that includes fortnite v-bucks glitches fortnite xp glitch vbucks
All Fortnite Winterfest challenges and winterfest quests:
Warm yourself at the Yule Log in Cozy Lodge (1)
Deal damage to opponents with the Snowball Launcher (50)
Collect toy biplanes at Condo Canyon, Greasy Grove, or Sleepy Sound (3)
Travel while having icy feet (200)
Fly with a chicken (200)
Dance for three seconds at Crackshot’s Cabin and Sgt. Winter’s Workshop (2)
Ram a snowman with a vehicle (1)
Use a Holiday Presents! Item (1)
Search a treasure chest under a holiday tree (1)
Eat food in a single match (5)
Hide for ten seconds as a Sneaky Snowman within 25m of an opponent (10)
Light a campfire while having icy feet (1)
Travel 1,000 meters on a Crackshot Quadcrasher (1,000)
Destroy Holiday decorations (10)
Give an opponent icy feet with a Chiller Grenade (1)
All Fortnite Winterfest Rewards :
Auroral Arc Contrail
Bombastic Winterfest Spray
Choice Knit Emote
Ffrosty Back Bling
Golden Look Board Glider
Holly Hatchets Harvesting Tool
It’s Perfect! Emoticon
Krisabelle Skin
Loot In The Mountains Music
Polar Peely Skin
Sentinel Glider (Fortnite x The Matrix)
Snowplower Harvesting Tool
Twinkly Wrap
Winterfest Banner Icon
Wooly Wrap
You Better Watch Out! Loading Screen
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Music by NCS
#Fortnite #Vbucks #Boss
Email – amartyajitbusiness@gmail.com