The best Fortnite Fails, WTF Moments & Epic Moments transformed with 15+ hours of high-quality editing into a unique community montage!
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Welcome back to episode 77 of Fortnite Fails & Epic Wins! Hopefully you enjoyed this episode and if you did be sure to leave a like and subscribe for more Fortnite! Also be sure to comment letting us know what your favorite part was 🙂
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► Check out some other videos!
• Previous Episode: https://youtu.be/cTBLEu7e-hY
• Rainbow Six Siege Fails #54: https://youtu.be/tvY2MAzYFEQ
• Gaming Gone Wrong #27: https://youtu.be/VZikX8Pazfk
► Featured Playlists:
• Fortnite: http://bit.ly/RAFortnite
• Gaming Gone Wrong: http://bit.ly/RAGoneWrong
• Rainbow Six Siege: http://bit.ly/RARainbow6
► Thanks to Plays.TV for providing some of the clips for this episode. Download Plays.TV to record your own highlights: https://plays.tv
🎮 Featured Players:
TheRedBow: http://bit.ly/2ZGQnOp
XxBoogie-Man96xX: YT: http://bit.ly/2lCnOP6 || Twitch: http://bit.ly/2m0VWEk
yMeliodasss: http://bit.ly/2ZGY2eX
TactTact_: http://bit.ly/2zZR8CO
Alloyd: https://plays.tv/s/MJwr2ZM4M_I5
Kazie: http://bit.ly/2ZRa1Xa
IG_MOUZANNAR40: http://bit.ly/2ZNjXAV
thebigbadbeaver: YT: http://bit.ly/2lPeI1j || Twitch: http://bit.ly/2lt9doY
Darren Macarthy: http://bit.ly/2zZR7yK
blackpool-EDG: http://bit.ly/2A2TwJi
icantrawr: https://plays.tv/s/M3Djv36-g1A6
QuantumFragz: http://bit.ly/2ZNuo7E
Twitch VazzyVEVO: http://bit.ly/2ZRT9vy
Shaucey: https://plays.tv/s/MK4uX9Xp0SB6
YT Jvnski: http://bit.ly/34gvfND
Nicotf2: https://plays.tv/s/MLQcURt8yvis
KentAgent2: https://plays.tv/s/MLkaq6aKPqFN
Elite-Naded: http://bit.ly/2LC3B58
Richard432_dom: http://bit.ly/316s755
AmityNona: http://bit.ly/2IGNZ0b
AlphaTheBoss: http://bit.ly/2A342Qw
RoboHoboProductions: http://bit.ly/319nFm0
fvdez: http://bit.ly/2zZCmwb
ReDyE: https://plays.tv/s/MLkbWNTGGGiK
Jaxin: http://bit.ly/30z2hqw
vectoruv: http://bit.ly/2ZRa0T6
Stickdart: http://bit.ly/2ZRU27m
NateTheRedhead: http://bit.ly/2ZGKAsh
aron_18504: http://bit.ly/2Lzlulg
AloneForYears: https://plays.tv/s/MLkfjy22sZsi
JamesIsEpic: http://bit.ly/2ZLJ1ZU
Kanna_Kun: http://bit.ly/2KSGpk3
jessemaher: https://plays.tv/s/MKax08Ai2Ro3
Hitéshoir: http://bit.ly/31bRXVq
BadGumiBaby: http://bit.ly/2zWXC5F
Bull: http://bit.ly/2ZeLwjN
yeyow D B Z: http://bit.ly/2ZRTZbG
handycappedx: https://plays.tv/s/ML58h8_kYNy7
atsoy5: http://bit.ly/2ZLcdAc
TgTAries: https://plays.tv/s/MKqTOgJ5tX-M
YT_DIZarSTAR: http://bit.ly/2ZRa2uc
Coronaboy: http://bit.ly/2KSGp3x
Arnautron: YT: http://bit.ly/2lHxyHW || Twitch: http://bit.ly/2k5vvwG
© Red Arcade always has the player’s permission to feature their clip. If there are any mistakes with the credits, or someone submitted your clip claiming it was theirs please email us: contact@redarcade.com
On Red Arcade you’ll find all the greatest gaming clips from your favorite games combined with creative and high-quality editing. We spend 15-18 hours editing to transform the clips into something unique you can’t find anywhere else!
#RedArcade #Fortnite #Fails #FunnyMoments #EpicMoments #Wins