The best Fortnite Fails, WTF Moments & Epic Moments transformed with 15+ hours of high-quality editing into a unique community montage!
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Welcome back to episode 75 of Fortnite Fails & Epic Wins! In this episode we have a hilarious Junk Rift fails as well as a lot of other great Season 10 clips. Hopefully you enjoyed this episode and if you did be sure to leave a like and subscribe for more Fortnite! Also be sure to comment letting us know what your favorite part was 🙂
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► Check out some other videos!
• Previous Episode: https://youtu.be/xwlJU4j6EmY
• Fortnite 500 IQ Montage: https://youtu.be/EhOTdGhu-Ac
• Gaming Gone Wrong #26: https://youtu.be/EVxr-VBeIEY
► Featured Playlists:
• Fortnite: http://bit.ly/RAFortnite
• Gaming Gone Wrong: http://bit.ly/RAGoneWrong
• Rainbow Six Siege: http://bit.ly/RARainbow6
🎮 Featured Players:
Firebird_Moe: http://bit.ly/2KUt0Ia
john arias: http://bit.ly/2zn06K5
tsm_osman_48: https://youtu.be/fHbHR7jPizE
Basilisk & IsaaxNoodles: Reddit: http://bit.ly/2ZrHSpu || YT: http://bit.ly/2HpnyLr
KanerTheBaner: http://bit.ly/341fV7l
Twitch Baailey: http://bit.ly/2KV36nR
Juan_Arath: http://bit.ly/33Xryfv
KickinGluteusMaximus: http://bit.ly/2zi0gCy
xd Providence
anytnt1034: http://bit.ly/2zkjZBB
Smeka: http://bit.ly/33ZI135
tDougall: http://bit.ly/3405wsM
TwistedN: http://bit.ly/2zmwjl0
zNeverDodge: http://bit.ly/2KW1OsI
Qums: Reddit: http://bit.ly/2TQp0LO || YT: http://bit.ly/2ZckoV9
ZUREX Echo: http://bit.ly/2KUsqtT
Frankondor: http://bit.ly/33geeT9
Yarink: YT: http://bit.ly/2J2WnqZ || Twitter: http://bit.ly/2FVMV6D
Kanna_Kun: http://bit.ly/2KSGpk3
MILA1st: http://bit.ly/2YvdgD9
Kazify: http://bit.ly/2YD80gZ
VECTOR_FN: http://bit.ly/2KSiqBr
Coronaboy: http://bit.ly/2KSGp3x
Durbzzz Da Goat: http://bit.ly/2zpX1ZH
ola soy Miguel: http://bit.ly/33XX2T2
Kingmohaz123: http://bit.ly/2zn7Pb2
ReyAdler: http://bit.ly/341SLhs
GAWS: http://bit.ly/31mVNLH
Piratchoui: http://bit.ly/2zhWxoJ
Taesly: http://bit.ly/2KWEkUm
DangFN: http://bit.ly/2GwpqRN
Roryb222: http://bit.ly/2zpWTJH
AmitySumner: http://bit.ly/2KTuPoC
xd ItzNotRookie: http://bit.ly/2KWElHU
callogalactico34: http://bit.ly/347Jvs6
JustCommonSense: http://bit.ly/2zpWYgt
qRivo: http://bit.ly/2zjEPRx
sodapog: http://bit.ly/2zcVhmB
LenisGibbs20: http://bit.ly/3405CAE
Eighttzz: http://bit.ly/2KSGi87
© Red Arcade always has the player’s permission to feature their clip. If there are any mistakes with the credits, or someone submitted your clip claiming it was theirs please email us: contact@redarcade.com
On Red Arcade you’ll find all the greatest gaming clips from your favorite games combined with creative and high-quality editing. We spend 15-18 hours editing to transform the clips into something unique you can’t find anywhere else!
#RedArcade #Fortnite #Fails #FunnyMoments #EpicMoments #Wins #Season10 #JunkRift