The best Fortnite Fails, WTF Moments & Epic Moments transformed with 15+ hours of high-quality editing into a unique community montage!
✦ Submit YOUR Fortnite Fails/Wins! https://redarcade.com/submit
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Welcome back to episode 66 of Fortnite Fails & Epic Wins! In this series you can take part in every episode by recording your amazing Fortnite moments which we then edit together for 15+ hours to transform your footage into a unique, original and creative gaming montages! Our goal is not only to create the best videos we can, but also to create a community where you can share your clips and see them transformed in a creative and unique way through high-quality editing. If you want to be part of the next video you can submit your clips here: https://redarcade.com/submit
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► Check out some other videos!
• Previous Episode: https://youtu.be/TgomSwzFxak
• Top 500 Fails in Fortnite: https://youtu.be/6sMEs31W3-E
• Rainbow Six Siege Fails #43: https://youtu.be/GcsP89Y7V_A
► Featured Playlists:
• Fortnite: http://bit.ly/RAFortnite
• Gaming Gone Wrong: http://bit.ly/RAGoneWrong
• Rainbow Six Siege: http://bit.ly/RARainbow6
► Special thanks to Plays.TV for helping provide some of the clips in this episode! Download Plays.TV for free here: https://plays.tv
🎮 Featured Players:
V AlanKings: http://bit.ly/2FjmW97
aaa cherry ツ: http://bit.ly/2FjmUy1
Juusmat: http://bit.ly/2FjmVC5
KillstreakerFTW: http://bit.ly/309MKNL
helloiamCLAY: http://bit.ly/2FjmTtX
OhItsStefan: http://bit.ly/2FjmOq9
Glob_Botha: http://bit.ly/2FffKdW
Sketchi-Cola IG: http://bit.ly/2ZcKFjt
amity embers: http://bit.ly/2FjmWG9
blackoutman816: http://bit.ly/2HfUCFW
temet: http://bit.ly/2FffCLu
Scootrs: YT: http://bit.ly/2Zr7yyS || Twitch: http://bit.ly/2RjlV5E
MyNewSimply: http://bit.ly/2FjmQ1f
Swagmaner: http://bit.ly/2FffMT6
GarfieldGamer99: http://bit.ly/2FffFa8
ChefShabbaTV: http://bit.ly/2FgV316
TMQ Reskyued:
Twitch PixlJmpr: http://bit.ly/2FjmS9n
JoeelSantanaa: http://bit.ly/2FffBao
Dare Nightmare: http://bit.ly/2FfedVe
Gran Chakal: Twitch: http://bit.ly/2IMdc88 || IG: http://bit.ly/2XoRr7u
Aero: http://bit.ly/2WGEpCW
karl4040: https://plays.tv/s/MEVKc5M2b9gN
Jaxin: http://bit.ly/2Fis6lD
Wleeb: https://plays.tv/s/MFZw9Mr5dgt8
sidoxyz: http://bit.ly/31ntVan
Parallel Cali: http://bit.ly/2FiJNkV
Jambalamb: https://plays.tv/s/MFZwEZKdQpkp
SS Foxxic: YT: http://bit.ly/2IRm2S3 || Twitch: http://bit.ly/2IpSn3y
ghost Splxnter: http://bit.ly/2FbjkWF
TgTAries: https://plays.tv/s/MFZw7fReZknN
GAWS: http://bit.ly/31mVNLH
Xxrafa09x: http://bit.ly/2FkLHl7
McFlyMiChEl: http://bit.ly/31nkB69
Vok iZ Galaxy: http://bit.ly/2WVPJer
Koen388: http://bit.ly/30z27PW
Soratoxico: http://bit.ly/2FiPWxo
MANU_1050: http://bit.ly/2F4CMEn
kohei315: YT: http://bit.ly/2MYpnUu || Twitch: http://bit.ly/2KkY5pg
Garo_Prr: http://bit.ly/2WVV1GY
RAFAEL150802: http://bit.ly/2WSHpfE
itspungen: http://bit.ly/2WS83Fo
Apex Tragiix: IG: http://bit.ly/2XuuXPD || Twitch: http://bit.ly/2XnYD0s
BAP_Yusuf_YT: http://bit.ly/2X1nR96
ZepelonX: http://bit.ly/2WS81gK
© Red Arcade always has the player’s permission to feature their clip. If there are any mistakes with the credits, or someone submitted your clip claiming it was theirs please email us: contact@redarcade.com
On Red Arcade you’ll find all the greatest gaming clips from your favorite games combined with creative and high-quality editing. We spend 15-18 hours editing to transform the clips into something unique you can’t find anywhere else!
#RedArcade #Fortnite #Fails #FunnyMoments #EpicMoments #Wins