The best Fortnite Chapter 4 Fails, Funny Moments, Highlights & Epic Wins!
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Fortnite Chapter 4 is turning out to be one of the best seasons ever with a ton of content like the Mythic Deku Smash from My Hero Academia, MrBeast skin, Winterfest 2022, and so much more!
In todays video we have some incredible Fortnite Chapter 4 funny moments, fails, clips, highlights, epic moments, wtf/karma moments, and so much more! Hope you enjoyed this episode of Fortnite Fails & Epic Wins and if you did be sure to leave a like and subscribe for more Fortnite Chapter 4 videos! 🙂
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► Check out some other videos!
• Previous Episode: https://youtu.be/gp8GexoURg4
• Top 300 Funniest Fails In Fortnite: https://youtu.be/RmDjrXXD3VA
• Top 1000 Funniest Fails In Fortnite: https://youtu.be/wArv1Tde6uc
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ttv.OMGitsOC: https://redarca.de/ggZtS
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deltedyuhh: https://redarca.de/4TaZf
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