Far Cry 6 Cocktail! WE MIX A YARAN EL PRESIDENTE (Far Cry 6 El Presidente Cocktail Recipe)

Far Cry 6’s fictional country of Yara is ruled over with an iron fist by the cruel dictator Anton Castillo. But can he be all bad if he has an in-game tasty cocktail named after him? Yes, is the answer. Still, we shouldn’t let that stop us enjoying a Yaran El Presidente ourselves, so watch on as Mike and Andy mix themselves a version of the El Presidente cocktail at London’s Loading Bar, while secretly plotting Castillo’s demise.

Please drink responsibly, friends, and only if you’re of legal drinking age wherever you are.

Cocktails previously mixed on Outside Xbox:

Yakuza: Lost Judgment’s Kaito Sunrise: https://youtu.be/v7rJ6Zz2x1c

Evil Dead: The Game’s Pink F: https://youtu.be/O3YTCwMb-9w

Cyberpunk 2077’s Johnny Silverhand Cocktail: https://youtu.be/zF-ry3k-k84

Red Dead Redemption 2’s Saint Denis Sazerac: https://youtu.be/RdlgTQtpwi8

Hitman 2’s Dragon Flame: https://youtu.be/M6nKoqhgBX0

Skyrim’s Velvet LeChance: https://youtu.be/U8LMG9W0dZk

Sea of Thieves’ Pirate Grog: https://youtu.be/fg0V4Yi6D_4

Mafia 3’s Bourbon City Blinder: https://youtu.be/EEDaY0c-GGU

Dishonored 2’s Conservatory Cooler: https://youtu.be/cEP1V_yInws

Hitman’s Bare Knuckle Boxer: https://youtu.be/b4V9Y0j0FIU

Fallout 4’s Dirty Wastelander: https://youtu.be/OqYyWSCmg7M

Batman Arkham Knight’s Love Potion #728: https://youtu.be/p4OJ-Q4nQjE

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#cocktail #elpresidente #farcry6