Far Cry 5《極地戰嚎 5》試玩影片 – 邪教家族

Far Cry 5 takes place in Hope County, a fictional town in Montana. The main story revolves around doomsday cult the Project at Eden’s Gate and its charismatic leader Joseph Seed. Players control an unnamed junior deputy sheriff who becomes trapped in Hope County, and must work alongside factions of a resistance to liberate the county from the despotic rule of Seed and Eden’s Gate.

極地戰嚎 5遊戲的故事發生在美國蒙大拿州的希望郡,玩家所扮演的警長被指派到希望郡逮捕約瑟夫‧席德(Joseph Seed)。席德自認為是神選之人,且堅定的質疑政府和相信世界末日已經接近。他領導著宗教組織-伊甸之門計畫來到希望郡,試圖帶領人們走向救贖[9]。但事實上,伊甸之門計畫其實是個擁有強大火力的末日邪教組織。他們向希望郡的人民施壓,利用暴力和恐懼強迫他們改信伊甸之門的宗教,並且切斷人們和外界的聯絡。

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