Release date for Diablo 4 and Overwatch 2 guessed by a reputable financial analyst. Did he leak insider info before an official reveal? Or is he making terrible guesses?
More Diablo 3 Reaper of Souls guides, builds for all classes – Demon Hunter, Witch Doctor, Crusader, Barbarian, Monk, and Wizard: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLynOeXfVv8P7bQqfvTOzHe7b6LQA7TbTe
Overwatch gameplay (PC – no commentary) all characters (before Sombra, Ana, Orisa, Doomfist, and Moira):
Part 1: Bastion, D. Va, Genji, Hanzo, Junkrat, Lucio, McCree, Mei, Mercy, Pharah. https://goo.gl/Df9tMY
Part 2: Reaper, Reinhardt, Roadhog, Soldier 76, Symmetra, Torbjorn, Tracer, Widowmaker, Winston, Zarya, Zenyatta. https://goo.gl/rM3B9a
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Executive producers: Kiskaloo, MohEternal, NickTick, Recramorcen, 2hoste, Sarge9017
Special thanks: Maia Nashira, Remiehneppo, Neme5i5, TepidTurtle, Matthew Feiteira, Toioiz, Joel Williams, MONGAS INC., Terry Lee, Valentine Judnich