This brand new weekly series built around 2007’s all time classic, ‘BioShock,’ kicked off in a big way last week. We descended into the underwater utopia known as Rapture. We traversed the treacherous halls… And we came face to face with the denizens of this fallen kingdom: the Splicers. Junkies, strung out on Adam, a substance that granted them supernatural abilities. These once bright minded, hard working individuals have withered. They’ve lost their minds. Now, they’re mere husks of human beings… And they WILL kill to get what they want.
Not only are we faced with the task of surviving these lunatics, but now, the Big Daddies have arrived. They protect their Little Sisters at all costs, and guess what? That’s going to be a problem for us. Let’s dive into this second episode of BioShock and continue this journey of absurdity. Click that LIKE button, would you kindly?
(Episode 2)
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