“No Gods. No Kings. Only Man.” These are the words which Rapture were built upon. “What is Rapture?” you mask ask. Rapture is an underwater utopia, the home to the greatest minds and talents the world has to offer. Or… it was. Rapture has fallen. The ideals of Arcadia, while not unattainable, would in time prove to be unsustainable. Truer words may never have been spoken by one of Rapture’s denizens, the fallen Frank Fontaine: “These sad saps. They come to Rapture thinking they’re gonna be captains of industry, but they all forget that somebody’s gotta scrub the toilets.” Rapture has fallen, it’s inhabitants have become twisted and mutilated shells of their former selves, and we’re stuck here, fighting for survival, looking for a way out. They say “All good things in this world flow into the city.” We’ll see about that.
Over the next few months, a full playthrough of ‘BioShock’ will serve as our new weekly series. Tune in every Friday at midnight (or anytime after, it’ll be there whenever you want to watch it), and enjoy this adventure. If you’ve played BioShock in the past, you know what kind of fun we’re about to have. If you’ve never played BioShock, you’ve come to the right place. This is going to be tremendous. If you’re on the fence and you’re not sure whether or not you care about this show… just give it a chance, would you kindly?
(Episode 1)
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