***Gameplay starts at 1:41
***Watch in 1080p60 for the BEST QUALITY
The game takes place in the airborne city of Columbia, in 1912, where the player assumes the role of Booker DeWitt, a disgraced Pinkerton agent. Booker has been given the job of finding a woman named Elizabeth, who has been confined by a flying beast called Songbird and the city’s “Founder” leader Zachary Hale Comstock.
Following in the footsteps of previous BioShock games, the world of Infinite explores the chaos that results when strong ideals are taken to an extreme. Here, the philosophical concept of “American Exceptionalism” is perverted into ultra-nationalism, religious fanaticism, and social Darwinism. Flags, patriotic music, and propaganda posters promote the idea that Columbia is a ‘haven’ from the so-called ‘unwanted’ of the world.
BioShock 3: Infinite Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8pJlYPma5cIrdDd8OAnEBSYy_wJDuJMw
BioShock 3: Infinite – All Vigors: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AOL1w6tHqBI&list=PL8pJlYPma5cJZdnBSJV5oiaLfSKFGzbP_
Game Movies Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8pJlYPma5cIfaW2Ljx1LHJUhCHK6hYrG
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