Audioshield – Cascading Doom Pony Gameplay

Hey everyone,

This is my first YouTube channel and video. Ever since the release of the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive I have been a huge advocate of everything VR. My family, friends and co-workers have all suggested I start a YouTube channel to spread my passion on the topic of VR and gaming in general but I always kinda just laughed at the idea. However, as I was playing one of my favorite VR games Audioshield I came across this song called “Cascading Doom Pony”. As much as the name of the song made me laugh I decided to play it anyway. Needless to say, and as you can see in the video, it turned out to be one of my favorite songs to play. My second play through I decided to record it and share it with the world.

I uploaded the raw video with no edits as I am new to the whole editing video field, so as I upload new videos I will try to have better audio and video quality as well as some production. If you enjoy the video give me a like, if not give me a dislike as I would really enjoy the feed back. It will help me determine where I should ultimately go with this channel.

Thanks for watching!