All Lost Spray Can Locations Guide – Fortnite (Spray & Pray Challenge)
One of the Spray & Pray Missions / Challenges in Fortnite Battle Royale Season X asks you to “Find Lost Spraycans”. You need to find a total of 5 Spray Cans around the map in order to complete the challenge.
The Lost Spray Cans are just little Spray Cans that can be found around the map. You can tell a Spray Can is nearby as they’ll be some graffiti on the wall nearby where one is located. There are more than 5 Lost Spray Cans found around the map, but this video shows 5 quick and easy ones to collect.
Simply go up to the ones shown in this video and then search them to collect them and add to the challenge/mission total. Search all five Lost Spray Cans to complete the mission/challenge.
Lost Spraycan Timeline:
[0:00] Junk Junction
[0:27] Rocky Umbrella
[0:57] Viking Village Waterfall
[1:22] Shifty Shafts
[1:54] Disco
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