Sombra having infinite stealth, with only a 2m detection radius lets her run rampant in the Overwatch meta, enabling a lot of play and disabling others. Mercy for example was expected to see meta dominance forever with mid-fight rez on cooldown but as it turns out, having perfect stealth infiltration speeds up the game in fights to a point where backlines are so unsafe, they NEED to utilize utility other than team sustain tactics to find an impact. This finds Ana and Lucio to be the top supports right now (or Ana Zen in the right spots) as they bring the midfight punching power you need in order to compete with what Sombra enables. Doomfist and Hammond come along as well as aggro options, but it’s all hinged on Sombra currently. Today we go over how all the heroes in the game are impacted by this stealth infiltration meta and rate the winners and losers for the best and worst heroes in Season 11 and shortly going into season 12 as well in two weeks. If you enjoyed the video be sure to leave it a like!
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