→Name:- Dheemanth
→Age:- 24
→Study:- Btech
→Native:- HYD(Karmanghat)
→Insta ID:- 1947_rowdy_yt
►SecondChannel Link :- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFLI…
►Insta Link:- https://www.instagram.com/1947_rowdy_yt/
►Our MEME’S Page :- https://www.instagram.com/1947_yt_memes/
➤Donations are not mandatory but very much Appreciated :
➤ Discord : https://discord.gg/nFTE5W7xhu
RESPECT each-other in the chat.
No Spamming and NO Promotions with out permission USE COMMON SENSE
Respect Moderators.
Dont Mess With Mods.
➤:computer: PC SPECS
→Monitor – Samsung 27 inch (68.6 cm) Curved Bezel Less LED LC27F591FDWXXL
CPU – AMD Ryzen 7 2700
Motherboard – GIGABYTE B450M DS3H
GPU – GeForce RTX 2060 SUPER 8GB
RAM – Corsair Vengeance 16GB (8GB X 2) LPX DDR4 3000Mhz
SSD WD Blue 250GB M.2 Internal Solid State Drive (WDS250G2B0B)
Keyboard & mouse – Cooler Master Devastator 3 Gaming Keyboard & Mouse Combo, 7 Color Mode LED Backlit, Media Keys, 4 DPI
Cabinet – ANTEC DF 500 RGB
CPU Cooler – Cooler MASTER H410R RGB…
Device’s :- 1. IPhone 12 PRO MAX + Elgato HD60S
Secondary Device:- OnePlus 9R
My Settings
→Frame Rate-Extreme
→Anti Aliasing-Disable
→Auto Adjust Graphic-Enable
★Camera Sensitivity free look
3rd Person Camera–150
1st Person Camera–150
3rd Person No Scope–150
1st Person No Scope–130
2x Aimpoint Scope–36
3x Scope–30
Reddot, Holographic,AimAssist–65
4x ACOG scope,VSS–20
6x Scope–30
8x CQBSS Scope–18
★ADS Sensitivity
3rd Person No Scope–120
1st Person No Scope–105
2x AimPoint Scope–12
3x Scope–25
Reddot, Holographic,AimAssist–75
4x ACOG Scope,VSS-15
6x Scope–20
8x CQBSS Scope–10
3rd Person Noscope–300
1st person NoScope–300
2x AimPoint Scope–300
3x Scope–161
Reddot, Holographic,AimAssist–300
4x ACOG Scope,VSS–158
6x Scope–40
8x CQBSS Scope–55
➤ #1947RowdyYT #Battlegroundsmobileindia