Well… that was unexpected. Roadhog now dominantes the tank category so hard, it can be difficult to have an impact on a teamwork based tank. Given time to adapt, teamwork styles will be honed enough by the community to be widely viable I think, but during the early growing pains it’s hard to not just mirror roadhog and deathmatch harder than the enemy. Crazy new roadhog meta, no main tanks definately makes the game play differently. If you enjoyed this best and worst hero tier list breakdown video please be sure to leave it a like and don’t forget to subscribe and click the bell icon to actually get notified when our videos go live!
Subscribe to Nateson and thank him for carrying me on Gibralter =D
Tweets by Natesonn
00:00 Roadhog Meta Explained
02:19 Ana Carry Tips
04:26 Widowmaker BURST Meta
05:09 WORST Heroes, AVOID!
07:08 Mercy Meta
07:36 Strong Counter-Meta DPS
11:10 Situational Heroes
17:03 Supports to Avoid!
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