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Today we are back again trying a top 500 tip Genji video because I think its fun and people just love Genji it seems. Today we are talking about how the grandmaster Genji player can carry his competitive games in season 7 overwatch competitive ranked mode guide for overwatch season 7 placement matches and overwatch season 7 changes. Going over some Genji season 7 tips and guide or whatever you want to call it. I hope that these tips can help to have you guys learn how to improve as Genji and hope this works as a mini Genji guide tip trick thing for all that want to improve as her. Anyways, thanks!
More Videos! : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLefC4eOMnbRF5Xm7uCjfU73bh0ybup9Df
Gameplay: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P-jMoBwMLNM
Thumbnail: https://scontent-yyz1-1.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/25006113_559807867705909_3609080277462155264_n.jpg
TIPS I WROTE DOWN FROM THE VIDEO:-Genji is a completely viable pick, just harder than soldier to play. Dont play Genji unless you main
-pushes up ahead of his team and spam damage on shield
-jumps on people on high ground first, and also focuses who his team is hitting. Dont go SOLO if you dont need to
-doesnt flank behind the enemies, instead waits, gets some poke, then goes for the nano blade while EASILY in view
-tries to slice at mercy, but doesnt overextend for her and waste the blade…
-after getting a teamwipe he takes high ground and pushes up, trying to stall them off the cart
-spamming left clicks out of the choke point allows for himt to 1 shot moira, genji isnt always a 0-death hero
-when he is waiting for his team he pushes up AROUND CORNERS so he can get damage but not die
-he doest ult instantly in a fight, waits for the easy picks to die and then blades when a real fight starts
-in nano blade again, he hits zarya until she shileds and then he completely ignores her again. doesnt wait for it
-Doesnt ult far away and swift strike in for the most part, try to ult close up and save strike to finish kills
-on defense he is just spamming damage on high ground and chaging ult, doest go for kills unless guarenteed
-You need to play super passive on defense, dont go in unless you KNOW you can get a reset on swift strike
-mainly is shooting teh tanks for consistant damage, then hits the supports when he sees them low from his teams pok
-nano boosting a genji without his ult can be smart as it almost guarentees a genji ult right after nano runs out
-he pushes past his team when behind in members to hopefully get some picks, but his team loses point
-when trying to hit air shots he only goes for left click, and shoots to where they are going to be
-usually plays next to walls or corners until he sees somebody low, then he pounces, gets a kill, and backs off agin
-when mercy is ulting, you can often easily kill the other support as the enemy team forgets about them
-against winston make sure to spam out shurikens, but dont go all in vs him. You can poke him out but not 1v1
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Title:GRANDMASTER Genji GAMEPLAY TIPS | How To Improve As Genji Guide – Overwatch Season 7 Competitive Tricks