I am currently on holiday so I thought I would show some Mag Sorc BG Gameplay in the meantime. I was on my 2nd EU account while playign this. Build: ● https://alcasthq.com/eso-magicka-sorcerer-pvp-build1/ — This was live streamed on ● https://www.twitch.tv/alcasthq
● Community Discord: https://discord.gg/alcasthq
Alcast focuses on content for Elder Scrolls Online. Builds and Guides can be viewed on Youtube and the Website, if you have any questions about the game you can also always join our community discord or ask during one of his live streams!
#Elsweyr #Sorcerer #PVP #alcast #alcasthq #ElderScrollsOnline
Magicka Sorcerer Gameplay, Magicka Sorcerer Battlegrounds, Magicka Sorcerer PvP Build