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What’s going on guys? RBG here, hitting you up with a video on something you’ve heard about a couple days ago. And it’s the recent confirmation that Devil May Cry will be getting another anime adaptation in the near future. This news literally came outta nowhere but it couldn’t have come at a perfect time. Because we’ve already been getting a slew of info regarding Devil May Cry 5. And I’ve been trying to provide as much coverage as possible. And this newly announced anime only adds to that. So this video is basically giving you everything you need to know about it with a couple of theories & wishes of things I wanna see in it. But before we get into that I wanna remind you that this vid is sponsored by mallknow. Since you guys have supported this channel I’ve linked up Mallknow to give you their brand new gaming mouse. It features a high FPS Rate, 7 different switches such as the back and forward buttons. An adjustable DPI, microswitches backed with LED lights, and much more. The shipping and handling averages around 5 dollars depending on your location. The link will be in the description box below so make sure you jump on that while the offer last. With that out the way let’s get into this exciting yet head scratching announcement. Because there have been a couple of factors that have left fans confused. Adi Shankar, the film producer who’s brought us so many cult classic movies. Announced that Capcom had given him the rights to adapt DMC into an anime for Netflix. And this totally came outta left field because we’re just coming off the success of his more recent project Castlevania. A series that premiered last year to both critical and commercial success, confirming the release of a second season, and eventually a third due to its popularity.
#DevilMayCryAnime #DevilMayCryNetflix