40 MOST EPIC Fortnite Moments

40 MOST EPIC Fortnite SEASON 4 Moments
Item Shop Code: T5G #UseCodeT5G #fortnite

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May I throw my hat in the ring for ‘Best Rocket Ram Trickshot’?
by u/Ya_Boi_Poolzy24 in FortNiteBR


Why fight with guns when you can simply strap yourself with C4?
by u/Pepsipierat in FortNiteBR

Yep, i love this season
by u/XTRO_PLUS in FortNiteBR

Mine now
by u/Istoleachickennugget in FortNiteBR

And here comes Peely from the top build, with the swanton bombnana!
by u/K-boomX94 in FortNiteBR

I really tried doing a 360 into a kiddy pool
by u/ReadShigurui in FortNiteBR


Did I land on him???
by u/RyanNeedsSleep in FortNiteBR

This was way too satisfying
by u/WearFormer1885 in FortNiteBR

Boooombs away
by u/Pizzarazzi in FortNiteBR

200 IQ rocket ram strat
by u/happey454 in FortNiteBR

And don’t come back!
by u/ballsacklicking in FortNiteBR

My worst death, yet. Props to my killer, though.
by u/MrsEllimistX in FortNiteBR

Not quite the fun adventure we had envisioned…
by u/Rambo_VXI in FortNiteBR

Chapter 4 Season 4 max height C4 pizza car elimination
by u/INFINITY–Oficial in FortNiteBR

When being too lazy for the long way goes wrong XD
by u/EntertainmentNo9329 in FortNiteBR


Loot island air defence
by u/GorillaEatingGoon in FortNiteBR


I really like the Rocket Ram
by u/blabla2580 in FortNiteBR

Toxic kids get bopped
by u/Dreamfour_yt in FortNiteBR

Nutty no-scope
by u/psilocybe95 in FortNiteBR

When in doubt, pull out your rocket!
by u/7_Cerberus_7 in FortNiteBR

Saved by the shockwave!
by u/G0ld_Ru5h in FortNiteBR

How was I able to get 3 bounce flowers in a row during the first week of the season but not during most of last season?!?!
by u/ThePumpWasHere in FortNiteBR

You can get really high by landing on top of another player that is using the rocket ram
by u/RebeccaZNT in FortNiteBR

https://www.reddit.com/r/FortNiteBR/comments/164o9j8/wiffed_the_first_shot_the_second_one_though_so/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3 https://www.reddit.com/r/FortNiteBR/comments/164k1m0/why_are_you_the_way_that_you_are_why_do_you_camp/

Never seen this happen! me and the enemy rocket rode into each other
by u/Friendly_Use_7613 in FortNiteBR


In this episode of "I should not have gotten away with that." We have a very unexpected double kill
by u/The_Traveller__ in FortNiteBR

Noscope to end the match
by u/webrewrbewrb in FortNiteBR

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