PUBG: NEW STATE, is a new Battle Royale developed by PUBG STUDIOS, the company
In PUBG: NEW STATE, 100 players will fight on a new battleground with various weapons and
strategies until only one party remains. Utilize gear, vehicles, and consumables to survive the
shrinking battleground to become the last Survivor standing! Find out more about the game
here: https://newstate.pubg.com
Download the game now: https://pubgnewstate.onelink.me/7alc/39541dc2
Song Credits – Bad Boy x Bad Girl by Badshah ft. Nikhita Gandhi
PUBG: NEW STATE Social Media Handles:
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/OfficialPUBGNEWSTATE.IN/
Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/pubgnewstateofficial_india/
YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnEaSfPj9ETzrySiRSD1Q1g
Twitter – https://twitter.com/PUBG_NEWSTATE
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#ItsNewStateTime #PUBGNEWSTATE #NextGenBattleRoyale