Overwatch: Doomfist is DEAD! – Meta Discussion

Doomfist is revealing himself to a very difficult to balance hero. He was quite niche in Overwatch for the longest time, until we entered the Brigitte era when he got a shields buff that saw him run over teams and players who weren’t ready for him, and with Blizzard taking a hard turn away from crowd control centered gameplay both the Meta that Doom thrived in and as well, his own power became dead. Where can Doomfist go from here? With no clear matchup that is relevant for him to take, it’s hard to see a purpose for a more complicated to play dive hero in the mix, especially as the reemergence of flankers like Tracer creep back in. Doomfist needed the sustain meta to warrant his all in high risk high reward big burst melee hits, but with better answers available to what he’s strong against and with little to no edges to play off of besides GOATs, it’s hard to see where Doom has to play. If you enjoyed this meta discussion please be sure to leave it a like!

Be sure to check out Brandito’s stream. Less Doomfist for now, but he’s still a fun streamer! https://www.twitch.tv/brandito

Doomfist Mastery Guide ft. Brandito’s gameplay

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