Overwatch: 3 Maps EVERYONE Plays WRONG!

Did you know Numbani and Gibralter have a 2nd and 3rd phase? Or that it IS possible to capture B on Hanamura? Today we cover some of the most important reasons that teams fail to take some of the harder objectives in the game and it mostly comes down to brainlessly walking to point which is about as useless as speeding to a red light. Overwatch isn’t a game about objectives, it’s about winning teamfights AROUND an objective and if you can’t frag, you won’t win. Each map, controlling the right ground is key and today we’ve covering 3 maps everyone plays wrong in these respects. What are other elements, maps, heroes etc that you struggle with? Let us know if the comments and we may cover it and as well, if you found the video useful, be sure to leave it a like! -F

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