GALE – GRANDMASTER MOIRA GAMEPLAY TIPS | How To Improve As Moira Guide – Overwatch Season 7

Today we are back again trying a top 500 tip Moira video because I think its fun and people just love Moira it seems. Today we are talking about how the grandmaster Moira player can carry his competitive games in season 7 overwatch competitive ranked mode guide for overwatch season 7 placement matches and overwatch season 7 changes. Going over some Moira season 7 tips and guide or whatever you want to call it. I hope that these tips can help to have you guys learn how to improve as Moira and hope this works as a mini Moira guide tip trick thing for all that want to improve as her. Anyways, thanks!

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-moira works with team comps that group together a lot, not with genji/tracer/pharah
-moira plays with long line of sight, not around corners like a lot of other heroes
-he pushes up with his team past the cart to get damage, as long as enemies dont have cc you dont die
-you can never kill moira as moira. can get a lot of ult charge though
-one of the fastest ult charges in the game, dont be afraid to use it
-stay behind your team for your ult, dont risk it for kills, before you use the ult make sure to orb
-Moira can safely push up a lot and on cart maps its never really worth to just hide by cart early on
-spam your damage orb all the time for free ult charge,
-healing one target is more than worth it, and your healing is more imporatnt then damage
-use the ult more like a heal then a killing ult.
-as moira always position to get an escape. Other than that just play quite a bit behind your tanks

-spam orbs at the cart and enemy spawn,
-you can push past your shield a bit, but if you do always have somewhere to run / fall to
-in teamfights always stay really far back but still in los of your teammates
-the seconds you start taking more than 20 damage, shift and get out of there. it has little cd
-moira doesnt often finish off kills, but supplies a ton of consistant dps
-make sure you keep your other support alive with your ult, orb+ult == almost as much as transendence
-try to hurt genji when he is ulting you, you can kill him but need distractions
-overall if they have a super high priority target its better to try to kill them than to heal
-high ground doesnt give headshots with moira, but makes you harder to kill so still worth
-remember your damage is like spell vamp and heals you a little
-against a genji that probably has ult, make sure to never be close enough to get caught in it
-you can shift to your tanks for more protection than shifting further back sometimes
-moira has a truckload of damage and healing, just dont be afraid to deal damage


What is overwatch?: Well overwatch is Blizzards new take on the fps genre. In this game you choose a hero or “Class” to take on enemies, push payloads, and take control points. The point of the game is to beat the other team over and it is indeed a whole bunch of fun to play. The game includes 27 heroes so far and Is a blast to play. In this video I mostly go over playing it in a commentary type of manner, and these types of videos will usually be overwatch live comment.

Who is JoeKing aka me. Im a overwatch youtuber that likes to talk about character updates, how to get better, and the competitive community. Trying to help you get better at overwatch and entertain at the same time hopefully. How GRANDMASTER Players DESTORY with Moira – Overwatch Top 500 PRO Tricks Overwatch – 20 TricksMoira Grandmasters ABUSE That You Don’t! Some tips and tricks to master Moira! Overwatch – 7 OP Tips and Tricks Grandmaster Players use every game! Moira overwatch, Moira guide top 500 tips and tricks Moira master gameplay, how Moira is played, shadowburn gameplay Moira overwatch competitive esports vod grandmaster Moira tricks grandmaster top 500 Moira, overwatch top 700 Moira esports vod Moira esports gameplay, grandmaster Moira tricks top 500 tricks tips, how to play Moira, Moira season 7, overwatch competitive season 7 Moira, Moira season 7 offense, Moira season 7 defense, overwatch season 7 Moira guide overwatch,Moira tricks,Tricks Moira Grandmasters ABUSE That You Don’t,Tricks Moira Grandmasters ABUSE That You Don’t overwatch,overwatch Tricks Moira Grandmasters ABUSE That You Don’t,tricks grandmasters abuse that you dont,

Title:GRANDMASTER Moira GAMEPLAY TIPS | How To Improve As Moira Guide – Overwatch Season 7 Competitive Tricks