Devil May Cry 5 Demo – Nero Combo Exhibition – [XBox One]

This is the demo of DMC5 which is now exclusively released in Xbox One.

XBox Oneの体験版ネロのコンボ集となっています。あくまで体験版ですので、仕様に関して若干の変更があるかもしれないですね。PS4ではエネステ追加してたら嬉しいですね。限られた条件下でも自分なりに出来うるコンボを作っていくのはやはり楽しいです:3 良いお年を。
This video is some combos of Nero in Demo where he can’t do JC(Enemy Step). Besides, because of only the demo, it may happen that this Nero’s combat system is likely to be slightly changed in the full game. But even under the limited conditions I really enjoyed making this Nero’s combos :3
Have a happy new year!