chocoTaco Is a Stealth Warrior – PUBG Gameplay

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#chocoTaco plays #PUBG for a minimum of 10 hours a day, 5 days a week. It’s enough to make anyone go crazy – so crazy, in fact, that they might do something nutty like attempting stealth warrior mode (VSS/Crossbow) on a map like #Miramar . MIRAMAR. WHERE YOU CAN’T SNEAK UP ON ANYONE BECAUSE YOU CAN SEE FOR A MILLION MILES IN ANY GIVEN DIRECTION. But the new cut-the-engine feature on vehicles has supplied choco with the only other tool he needs to become the deadliest assassin to ever play the game. And even though the VSS isn’t very good (sorry WackJacky), choco is still able to own. But not every epic story has a happy ending.

You can go to the Twitch VOD and see the full game here: , or see choco stream LIVE at

Music: “DuDa” by Ian Post, from

Keywords: PUBG gameplay, chocoTaco,